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*TUESDAY @ 10:30am- Beginner/Intermediate
*THURSDAY @10:30am- Pilates Basics- Beginner friendly
(All times are in AEDT)
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An efficient workout to challenge your entire body including arms, legs and core... not to mention feet and ankles. The heavier your weights the harder you will work. Have fun!
You’ll need a light set of dumbbells for this workout. We challenge the upper body and lower in unison today. This will work not just your strength but your coordination.
Test your shoulder strength and mobility with this workout. You'll need your resistance band, I'm using a medium strength. We focus on the shoulder and back muscles.
In this workout we challenge our balance via unilateral work (ie working one side of the body at a time). So important for runners to have stability and control on one leg. Tons of burn for this one, your legs will LOVE it!
It's super important to prioritise recovery and rest when you're a runner. You need it! Today I'll take you through a stretch flow which will target those muscles that often get sore or stiff when running to help restore your body!
What happens to your spine affects your ribs, and vise versa. In this workout we explore spinal mobility- flexion, extension, rotation and side bending. A great one if you're feeling sticky in the ribs!
Mobility refers to your joints capacity to move. As runners we need our joints to move well. It's a movement practice that is all too often neglected. In this session we start with foot and ankle mobility (you'll need a sock) and then move on to hip mobility. You'll finish up with buttery joints!
To warm up for this workout we will focus on shoulder joint mobility. Then we move on to strength work for the upper body. I used 2 and 4 kg dumbbells. Feel free to go higher if you like!