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*TUESDAY @ 10:30am- Beginner/Intermediate
*THURSDAY @10:30am- Pilates Basics- Beginner friendly
(All times are in AEDT)
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As the name suggests- do this one for a full body shake up to get you moving and warm. We move feet all the way up to shoulders (not that in exact order). Enjoy the slightly quicker pace!
Today we work through flexion of the spine and rib positioning with a resistance band. There's some strong core based moves that will really spice it up for the belly, have fun!
A restorative class to help ease that lumbar tension. Nice and slow, starting with creating some warmth around the muscles of the pelvis and core and then some sweet recovery moves to help restore some movement in your low back. Enjoy!
With the mini band today we challenge the glutes a little more in addition to finding that core connection. Remember- rib placement is everything. Really pay attention to those first few minutes that get the ribs placed- it will make a huge difference to the rest of the class.
Grab your pilates ring and get ready to work your core. Today we focus on finding centre with the help of the ring, slow and controlled as always.
A releasing stretch to help ease your pelvis. We begin by warming up the hip joints first, then we stretch hip flexors, glutes, adductors and finish in child pose. Relaxing and releasing, enjoy!
So far my FAVE in this series! Grab your Chi ball and let's get moving. All the fundamentals we have learnt so far we put the test in this workout. Prepare to be challenged!
This second workout of the series builds on the first one- same moves but with 2 light dumbbells, 1 or 2kgs. Take it slow and controlled- that always wins the race in pilates!