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*TUESDAY @ 10:30am- Beginner/Intermediate
*THURSDAY @10:30am- Pilates Basics- Beginner friendly
(All times are in AEDT)
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Grab your resistance band! Find the resistance that feels right for you with each move by changing your grip on the band (closer together is stronger, further away is lighter). In this workout we will continue to work shoulder mobility and strength.
To get more out of your strength training, mobility work is a MUST. I see it all too often- big burly men who can lift a tonne of weight BUT have restricted movement at their joints and are sooooo stiff. What's the functional value in that?? Move your joints the way they were designed to move and you will be a happier, better moving human. Make sense?
With a block and 2 light dumbbells we will work our triceps and shoulders again, first starting with internal and external rotation of the shoulders. A slow, progressive and fun build. Have fun!
You'll need 2 light dumbbells for this workout. It centres on mobilising and warming up the gleno-humeral joint (your shoulders) and then we begin to load the deltoids, triceps and back with weight. Fun and pretty fast paced. A great progressive workout which steps it up a notch from last weeks workout.
Lower back pain can be multi-factorial, meaning there isn't one magic exercise or movement that will fix it. But in this workout we address some moves that may add stability to the lumbar spine to help alleviate pain. I encourage you to explore what may be causing pain (if you have any) and discover how movement can help lower discomfort.
This workout sets the foundation for the next few weeks of upper body workouts. You won't need any equipment. We will work predominantly the shoulder, triceps and back muscles.
Feel like a full body rinse? This is it. We start at the top (head and neck) and slowly make our way down the chain visiting the shoulders, spine, hips, calves and ankles. I really enjoyed this one, it was rejuvenating!
You'll need a block and some weights for this workout to work core and hips together. It might have you feeling your core muscles the next day. Love that feeling!