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*TUESDAY @ 10:30am- Beginner/Intermediate
*THURSDAY @10:30am- Pilates Basics- Beginner friendly
(All times are in AEDT)
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This workout requires a mini band and some dumbbells. We stay close to the ground for most of the workout out today and focus on upper body strength and control. You may wish to have various weight dumbbells as options to change throughout the workout.
A nice gentle flow to begin with to get some blood flowing then we add some typical pilates side lying glutes and core work. A great start to the day!
Another workout to prioritise- this one is for the sake of your shoulders. It is a mobility based class, so we look at the various ways the shoulder was designed to move and then we challenge the joint by adding bodyweight load to it. Enjoy!
Grab your Pilates Ring and prepare the core- this one will make the trunk work! Think slow and controlled with a bit of burn. The ring is a great prop to bring in awareness and control to help find centre.
A strength workout with a strong focus on the deltoids and upper body. Three super sets of three exercises repeated for three rounds. A spicy one! Use challenging weights for your level of strength today.
Prioritise this workout! And come back to it often- your hips will thank you for it. It's all about your hip mobility today. Wait til you get to the squats at the end, you'll feel amazing!
My favorite thing to work would have to be the posterior chain- and the reality is most people need strength in this area, whether it be their glutes, hamstrings or upper back. So grab a mini band and a light dumbbell and let's get to work!
A strong mat pilates workout were we work the body unilaterally- one half at a time. You'll need one light dumbbell for some moves. There's also a strong shoulder and core demand in this workout.