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*TUESDAY @ 10:30am- Beginner/Intermediate
*THURSDAY @10:30am- Pilates Basics- Beginner friendly
(All times are in AEDT)
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Your spine needs to have the ability to rotate. It is essential for healthy spine function. In this workout we explore rotation in the spine, as well as some extension and flexion. This one is a must!
I absolutely LOVE a good tricep workout. And that's exactly what you'll get in this workout. We work the triceps in various positions. But first we give those wrists are great warm up!
This one is for your feet! But make no mistake- other parts of your body will be working too! Including your glutes, calves and ankles. Oh and you'll need 1 sock!! Loved this one!
The pilates ring (magic circle) was originally used in pilates to help with "centering" and control. This is exactly what we do in this workout today- we engage the core for a strong core workout working slowly and controlled. Enjoy the concentration and sweat!
You'll need a block and a chair for this workout. We warm up the glutes, ankles and feet before doing some single leg work. Amazing if you're wanting to improve balance and leg strength! One of my faves!
A punshy kind of workout where we quickly get into the back and shoulders, not before thoroughly warming up and mobilising the needed joints though.
We target those pecsci muscles at the back of the legs today- your hamstrings! There are 3 hamstring muscles in total on each side that work to flex and extend the knee. Sometimes they get lazy, but today we make them work work work!
In this workout you will learn that there are 2 ways to work your core- one is by creating movement, the other is by resisting movement. We explore various moves by creating movement and resisting movement and in the meantime the core will feel the burn. Love it!