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*TUESDAY @ 10:30am- Beginner/Intermediate
*THURSDAY @10:30am- Pilates Basics- Beginner friendly
(All times are in AEDT)
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The last of the progressive workouts for shoulder mobility and strength. You'll need 2 dumbbells for this workout. I'd recommend you do Part 1 and 2 first before doing this one just so you can get your head around the basics of shoulder function. Enjoy!
No props- just your own bodyweight. We will work the core, glutes and shoulders and challenge our lower body strength with some split squats, walking lunges and inchworms.
An excellent follow up from Part 1, this workout not only mobilises your shoulder joints but also helps to strengthen it. You'll need a medium resistance band for this workout.
TFA- Toes, Feet, Ankles! We firstly show the feet some love by rolling them on a firm ball, then we work them! A slow, controlled and very purposeful session which I hope helps you get to know your feet better!
Dedicated to the shoulder girdle- we mobilise first the glenohumeral joint (shallow ball and socket) then the scapula (really a space more than a joint). Again, one to keep revisiting to keep those joints happy and healthy long term.
Grab your chi ball and get into this quick transitions workout. We spend only 30 seconds on each move and then transition to the next move. The workout will fly by for you!
A glute focussed workout to get the maximus, medius and minimus fired up. It's really the 101 of pilates workouts, with some lower body and core thrown in for a distraction!
To keep our joints happy and healthy they must be moved in the way they are designed to move. So in this workout we internally rotate the hip joint, externally rotate it, flex it and extend it. And then we circumduct it! Keep coming back to this one for buttery hips that will forever thank you!