Why an evening routine might be the missing link in your wellness journey.

MARCH 2023 Stress at home, a hectic work schedule, caffeine, sugar, too much screen time & stimulation can all put your nervous system in overdrive. These factors can potentially lead to a poor night’s sleep (or many night’s sleep!)

At some point we have all been affected by lack of sleep or poor sleep quality, either for a night or an extended period of time. It’s so frustrating! It affects the way you feel and function the next day, the next week and sometimes the next month. And who can afford that?

I’m not writing on this topic as someone who has it all figured out in regards to all things evening routine & sleep (I wish!)

No no, I’m writing on this topic as someone who has tried and tested different approaches and has come up with some strategies that I feel are worth sharing.

I’m often my own worst enemy when it comes to “switching off” at night. I’m naturally a night owl that gets a small burst of energy in the evening (even when I’m exhausted) and I start doing things that take me out of that restful, ‘ready for bed’ state, to 'over stimulated and wound up'. But in my industry, this behavior pattern just isn’t sustainable (I'm up at sparrows fart most mornings). And it's certainly not conducive to productivity the next day at work.

It’s taken me a while, but I’ve figured out that-

“WOW, I can actually help myself when it comes to getting a better night’s sleep!”

It's all in the ROUTINE! So here are my small but powerful "routine'' suggestions that may just work for you too-

1.     Go to bed at the same time each night. Try to be consistent.

2.     Have relaxing music softly playing in the background. Dreamy!

3.     Drink a small cup of herbal tea or hot water. (I love camomile, but any herbal tea will do).

4.     An hour or more before your bed time, put on your diffuser with your favorite relaxing oil (I know someone who can help you with this!!) or burn your favorite candle. Your olfactory system is sensitive and can assist you in prepping your body for bed.

5.     Try some basic stretches on your mat.

Here are 5 Evening Stretches I prepared earlier!

But what if you’re lying there at night, wide eyed and sleep just doesn't come? Maybe you’ve done all the right things in prepping your mind and body for sleep (or maybe you haven’t?!) and still NOTHING?!

Then try these tips-

  • Don’t lay there stressing about the fact that you’re not sleeping and “OMG I have to wake up in 4 hours.” (Hint- this stress will make it worse and you’ll just be feeding the vicious cycle).

Be happy about the fact you’re horizontal. Your body is still resting!

  • If it’s really eating you up- get up out of bed. Have a drink of water and if it helps- write down your thoughts. (For your eyes only!) For some, getting their thoughts down on paper is therapeutic. It may help unload your mind and bring on sleep 😴.
  • Box breathing. I find focusing on the box breathing pattern and counting each step is enough to take my mind out of overdrive and into relaxation.

Breathe in for 4 counts, hold for 4 counts, breathe out for 4 counts, hold for 4 counts. Repeat as many times as needed.

There you have it- My evening routine & night time suggestions. Some of these strategies may work for you, some may not. You need to find what’s right for YOU.

Give it a shot and let me know how you go!


I hope you get the sleep that you so deserve!

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